P-05-826 Pembrokeshire says NO!! To the closure of Withybush A&E!

This petition was submitted by Myles Bamford-Lewis having collected 40,045 signatures.

Text of Petition

We the undersigned are calling on the Welsh Government and Hywel Dda Health Board to reverse their decision to downgrade our county hospital and to remove our A&E.


The Hywel Dda Health Board has proposed drastic changes to how hospital services are provided in West Wales. They propose a downgrading of our county's Withybush general hospital and Carmarthenshire's Glangwili general hospital, both to community hospital standard and a new general hospital to be built around the Whitland area. But this also means that we will no longer have a fully functioning A&E department within our county as it will be replaced by a minor injury unit at the Withybush site. In doing so patients who require emergency care in our county will be faced with traveling for up to an hour, possibly even more if you live in our county's more rural areas just to have that life-saving emergency care in a hospital that will be outside the county. A time scale that not only is putting Pembrokeshire lives at risk but doesn't even factor in that added time of having to wait for an ambulance to get to where a patient may be, stabilising the patient, then transporting that patient to a hospital that is beyond the borders of our county. Crucial minutes lost in a situation where time is already not on your side.


Having no A&E department within our county is completely unacceptable and is all in the name of cutting costs but more importantly cutting corners. Well Pembrokeshire is one corner of Wales that we will not let them cut us off the map!


Please sign and share, we can't let the Welsh Government and the Hywel Dda Health Board take our county's greatest asset away from us. They've already taken our SCBU, our Consultant led maternity and our 24 hour paediatric care away from us.. already putting our babies, children and mothers at great risk! Now they are coming to finish off the rest of our county's hospital services. Please don't let that happen!


Together we will send Steve Moore and Vaughan Gething a message that they can think again if they think Pembrokeshire will go down without a fight while they strip our hospital away from us!


Save Withybush A&E! Save Withybush Hospital!


Senedd Constituency and Region

·         Preseli Pembrokeshire

·         Mid and West Wales